Thursday, October 31, 2019

Environmental Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Values - Essay Example in 1974 drew inspiration from the feminist movements in which feminist activists rebelled against the traditional oppression of women by domineering men. In many countries, even developed countries, women are the weaker gender and without voice and are forced to accept the exploitation by men. Ecofeminism attempts to relate these events to the fact that nature and environment is exploited by men in the same way and nature attempts to meekly accept this racism, species segregation and exploitation. To a certain extent the main complaints and philosophy of the movement is indeed true and the arguments put forth by the movement is relevant. Man is the traditional defiler of all things and it is true that the major corporate positions in the world and in trade and industrial bodies are filled with men. Therefore, it would be men who constantly attempt to find new ways to exploit powerless nature, which cannot speak aloud. Later arguments of the Ecofeminism are at fault and their views on technology are not acceptable to me. It must be noted that when man does exploit forests and pollutes the waters, the beneficiaries are also women who make up the wives, daughters, sisters, mothers and other relatives of men. By tacitly accepting the cutting down of forests and gathering wood for firewood, women are also equally responsible for this defilement. Ecofeminism concepts also want to do away with technology and move towards primitivism where small communities would grow food in the natural way. This is not possible in the modern age as we need technology to produce food for the billions of people and both men and women have to find jobs and earn a living. So this philosophy is not acceptable. Schlosberg (1999) argues Pluralism or more specifically environmental pluralism places the right to exist for all things in nature, man, animals, plants and other inanimate entities such as water, air and earth that makes the environment. Then comes the concept of cost benefit

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Motivation Concepts in Criminl Justice Communities Research Paper

Motivation Concepts in Criminl Justice Communities - Research Paper Example As a result, managers should be aware that one of their main functions at the workplace is to motivate workers for them to be able to increase their efficiency and efforts towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. Despite the benefits of motivation in the workplace, motivating workers have never been easy to some organizations. This is attributed to the fact that not all employees are motivated by the same factors. For instance, one employee can be motivated by simply increasing the benefits to workers while others will require more things to be done such as offering job securities. Therefore, managers should understand well what motivates his or her workers and employ the right tools for the success of an organization. Significance of motivation at workplace Motivation plays a big role at the workplace. Gail (2010) notes that for an organization to accomplish its objectives and meet its short and long-term objectives, then workers must be motivated. This is because a motiv ated employee works hard towards the attainment of the organization’s objective, which is very important. In addition, motivation increases an employee’s efficiency and productivity, which is important for an organization’s overall performance (Gail, 2010). ... A happy employee will certainly work hard thereby ensuring organizational goals are achieved. It also reduces instances of absenteeism at the workplace that may affect the company. Research indicates that most companies that perform well have high levels of motivations their workers. In addition, motivation reduces labor turnover within an organization because it makes employees feel comfortable working for the organization. This is because motivation makes employees feel attached to the organization they work for (Mork, 2010). Further, motivation reduces incidences of labor unrest among employees. Research has established that organizations, which motivate their workers, do not experience labor unrest among its employees, which is certainly very important since this help build the reputation of an organization. Motivation is also important because it defines whether an organization will be successful or fail. This is because a demoralized employee may not see the need to working tow ards achievement of organizational goals, which will certainly result in low productivity or labor unrest. Therefore, managers should strive to ensure that workers are motivated all the time for greater productivity and success (Mork, 2010). Workplace motivation techniques Managers can use a variety of techniques to motivate their workers. Recognition is one of the tolls that can be used by managers to motivate workers (Ray, 2010). Recognition here refers to acknowledging a job well done by an employee. In fact, it cost absolutely nothing to recognize an employee. However, an employee who feels appreciated will be motivated to work extra hard towards achievement of organizational objectives. Secondly, employees can also be motivated by offering promotion and leadership opportunities.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay

Discrimination Against Obese People Health And Social Care Essay Obesity discrimination has a great impact on health care. The healthcare may be more critical of obese individuals. Some primary care physicians may be less attentive to treating obesity than other ailments as well. Overweight individuals seem to pick up on the negative feelings: studies show obese individuals tend to delay going to the doctor even for routine visits. There is no exception for radiographer the impact of obesity. To improve the image quality a certain amount of radiation is needed to go through the body in obese patient. And that is higher than normal doses of radiation in order to obtain X-ray images. Also obesity has impact on the surgical options for obese patients, the anatomy and imaging of gastric bypass surgery, and how to recognize and treat surgical complications of bariatric surgery. Obese patients need to purchase larger wheelchairs, larger beds and even larger diagnostic imaging machines. 1b.Reading the background of Obesity, and how people are becoming Obese, will help me to gain a close understand of how obese people feeling about themselves and how discrimination effects obese people. It will help me to see the obese people as an illness not blame them because of their weight. As a Radiography student I should deal with all patients equally. If those issues above has impact on health care provider, it is also has psychological impact on obese patient. 2a. In this annotated bibliography I would like to convey to the reader, that obesity always is not individual fault, there may be other factor such as medical condition and disease which make people obese. By discrimination obese people we may put their self-esteem and social interaction down. I would also like to convey to the reader how I have researched my chosen topic, how I changed my search each time to get the appropriate articles required. 2b.The title for my Annotated Bibliography would be `Stigma and discrimination against obese people`. 3a. The first search I carried out was a Google search. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. I used Birmingham City University web site. From the main library website, I clicked on electronic resources A to Z. CINAHL plus with Full Text and MEDLINE was my databases to find a peer reviewed articles. 3b. First I was looking to a Google search to have a background reading of my topic. So I put obesity in search box and I had About 39,500,000 results. Then I modified my search by adding obesity and discrimination, I got about 4,570,000 results and from there I had my relevant titles. Again I modified my search again by entering additional search terms `in Radiology`, which I got About 1,650,000 results and I had two of my supporting sources from there. Then I searched in Google Scholar I Put obesity and Discrimination from 2000 to 2011and from there I find two articles of my key sources. I carried out a different search using Google Scholar online to find journal articles for critiquing. Then I went to Birmingham city university website and I clicked on electronic resources A to Z.I start with Cinhal plus with full text. I logged in and in search box put obesity as a key word, then I ticked the full text and peer review to find my articles. These are good sources because they are peer reviewed articles. Then I clicked search, I had 4515 results. In first result I found one of my supporting sources. Again I modified my search by adding discrimination on search box. And I got 2483 results. I linked them with and, so I got 38 results. From there I got three key sources which I will critique them and it is relevant to my topic. To find more articles I changed my databases to Medline and I did same steps for my articles. When I liked ob esity and discrimination with and, I had 279 results. Again I had two key sources and one supporting sources for my assignment. I chose which articles were most useful by looking at the date they were published and whether the information contained is still relevant to todays situation. I also tried to find sources from a variety of locations but found some unhelpful. And I ended my search. 4a. Two articles critiquing: Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale Lorraine Watson, Kathleen Oberle, Danielle Deutscher Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia. Samantha L. Thomas PhD, Jim Hyde PhD, Asuntha Karunaratne BMedSci (Hons), Dilinie Herbert MBioMedSci (Part 1) and Paul A. Komesaroff MB BS FRACP PhD 2008 The Authors, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 Introduction The above two articles are of two studies to look into the obesity stigmatisation in two different aspects. In the first article, the attitudes of the health care professionals, and on this occasion nurses, towards obese individuals have been studied using psychometric analysis. The second article is about a study designed to look into how obese individuals feel in themselves about public perception and discrimination based upon their body weight, which is more like looking into the original side of the argument and that is to find out when, how and why such stigmatisation has developed. Critique There is no doubt that obesity stigma does exist just like other forms of discrimination in the society based upon race, ethnic origin and having an underlying illness such as HIV. The authors of the first article have started well by talking about the basic principles and reviewing a lot of literatures about similar previous studies with regards to health care professionals attitudes towards their obese patients. The method was good with a considerable number of professional nurses participated in it and, in my opinion, the NATOOPS did cover the psychological aspects of nurse-patient relationship. The results were identical to most of the previous studies and the study simply confirmed the previous ideology that negative attitudes towards obese individuals even among health care professionals do exist. However, when there is a problem there must be a solution, and whilst the authors have nicely highlighted and confirmed this problem amongst nurses, they have failed to provide answers and means to change such attitudes. They have given a lot of details in identifying the problem, but have only briefly towards the end suggested how to tackle the issue and how to educate our nurses not to stigmatise based upon body weight. In my opinion, they should have made more suggestions to rectify problematic attitudes and behaviours. The second article is covering the other side of the argument; in other words, peoples real life experience to make a case that obesity stigmatisation does exist. It is a good qualitative study with a clever way to attract random obese individuals to participate through newspaper advertisement. The method, data collection and the data analysis was pretty good. The number of participants was satisfactory, though could have been higher. The quotes from the individuals were prime examples of how this section of society is victimised in different aspects of life including employment, education, health care and general public services such as transport. They describe a clear blame culture by professionals, policy makers and media. It is worth mentioning the fact that the opt-in nature of this study makes it biased towards the participants. Those chose to take part and to be interviewed for the study were generally the ones with bad experience. Personally, I feel that random selection would have been much better to reflect the true nature of how obese people in the community feel about themselves and how society treats them. Conclusion To sum it up, there is no question that society treats obese individuals unfairly and there are quite a few studies to confirm this fact. Health care professionals such as nurses are no exception, but we need to find ways to educate them and to change this mentality in order to improve the quality of health care given to everyone without discrimination. The qualitative study of the obese peoples real life experience is a good one but there is a self-selection bias within the sample as admitted by the authors themselves. More random and bigger studies are needed in this field I believe. 5a.and 5b Key Sources: Brownell, K. D .and, Puhl,R.(2003), Stigma and Discrimination in Weight Management and Obesity, The Permanente Journal, Vol 7, No. 3, online Available from:,[Accessed 17/03/2011] It covers the three common areas of weight-based discrimination which are education, health care and employment. Puhl, R. and Brownell, K. D. (2001), Bias, Discrimination and Obesity, Obesity Research, Vol 9, No. 12, online Available from:,[Accessed 26/02/2011] Puhl, R. M and Chelsea Heuer, A. (2010), Obesity Stigma: Important considerations for public health, American Journal of Public Health, Vol 100, No. 6, June 2010 online Available from:, [Accessed 16/02/2011] This article gives particular attention to the health issues surrounding obese individuals and they compared their public discrimination to similar socially disregarded group such as HIV patients as in this article. Thomas, S. L. Hyde, J. Karunaratne, A. Herbert, D. and Komesaroff, P. A. (2008), Being fat in todays world: a qualitative study of the lived experiences of people with obesity in Australia, Journal Compilation, 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Health Expectations, 11, pp. 321 330 online available from:,[Accessed 22/03/2011] Watson, L. Oberle, K. and Deutscher, D.(2008), Development and Psychometric Testing of the Nurses Attitudes Towards Obesity and Obese Patients (NATOOPS) Scale, Research in Nursing and Health, 2008, 31, 586 593 ,online Available from:[Accessed 25/03/2011] Supporting Sources: Hunte, H.E, and Williams, D.R.(2009),American Journal of Public Health, The Association Between Perceived Discrimination and Obesity in a Population-Based Multiracial and Multiethnic Adult Sample, Vol 99, No. 7,online Available from:, [Accessed 26/03/2011] This is more like a research study, and it mainly focuses on the psychological stress caused by discrimination based upon race, ethnic origin and other factors leading to obesity, rather than the other way round. Reynolds A, (2011), Obesity and Medical Imaging Challenges, Radiologic Technology, Vol.82 (3): 219-42, online Available at,[accessed 30/03/2011] Yanch, J. C. , Behrman, R.H. , Hendricks, M.J. , McCall J. H. ,(2009), Increased Radiation Dose to Overweight and Obese Patients from Radiographic Examinations, online Available from:,[Accessed 24/02/2011] This article explains and compares radiation dose to obese patient in compare with normal patient.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Minimum Wage Should Be Eliminated Essays -- Minimum Wage, A Bad Po

"The minimum wage is something that F.D.R. put in place a long time ago during the Great Depression. I don't think it worked then. It didn't solve any problems then and it hasn't solved any problems in 50 years." -- John Raese In the United States, the federal government maintains a national minimum wage to protect the purchasing power of ordinary workers. It seems good that the government protects your purchasing power by adjusting the minimum wage with respect to the inflation rate. Its economic side effects are so obvious that make this policy a bad one because it creates more unemployment, makes employers cut fringe benefits and is inefficient. The first argument is that minimum wage creates more unemployment. From the point of view of basic supply and demand, workers and employers adjust the quantity of labor supplied according to wages until the quantity of labor demanded equals to the quantity of labor supplied, reaching an equilibrium wage. However, the policy ignores the market price by setting a â€Å"price floor† higher than the equilibrium wage. â€Å"A minimum wage is a...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Characteristics of Internet delivery services Essay

What are the characteristics of services that will be most appropriate for internet delivery? Internet service can be provided through telephone lines .Internet connection speed can generally be divided into two categories: dialup and broadband Characteristics of the Internet: The characteristics of the Internet that affect its usefulness in service can be divided broadly into Information and Connectivity. â€Å"The advantages arise from the Internet’s enormous capacity to link participants with information and with each other. The Information and Connectivity of the Internet have unique characteristics: Information: †¢Information on the Internet is multimedia–capable of having coloured images, sound and video. These can be expensive to produce, but increasingly there are open sources of these types of content that are free of charge. Once produced, the price of distribution of the information is nominal compared to that of producing hard-copy books, CDs and films. †¢Information on the Internet can be hyperlinked. This permits both tutors and learners to assemble large bodies of information from a wide variety of sources without actually having to store the information in one place; e.g., on paper or a hard disk. Hyperlinks within information on the Internet enables users to find or cite additional sources of pertinent information. †¢Information on the Internet is searchable. Search engines such as Google enable users to find information on every imaginable topic. †¢Intelligent agents can be programmed to search the Internet for particular information and inform the user of the existence and location of that information. In fact, these agents can harvest pertinent information and deliver it to the user’s desktop. †¢Information on the Internet originates from world-wide sources. Users are no longer limited to the library, gallery, museum or video or record store in their locale. Connectivity: †¢Probably the most powerful characteristic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Overview Of Parental Involvement Studies Education Essay

Parent engagement in instruction either at school or at place is of import for kids. In the U.S Department of Education research publication Strong Families, Strong Schools ( 1994 ) the parent is called â€Å" a kid ‘s first and most of import instructor † ( p.2 ) . In the first 18 old ages of life, a pupil merely spends 13 per centum of the waking, potentially-educative clip in school go forthing the other 87 per centum under nominal control of the parents ( Walberg, 1984a ) . Parents, therefore, control over 6 times more potentially educative hours than the school and offer a comparatively big and incompletely tapped resource for bettering academic accomplishment ( Graue, Weinstein & A ; Walberg 1983 ) . Parents are different from one to another, both in their relationship with their ain kids and their feelings or reactions towards schooling of their kids. They have their ain backgrounds, their ain concerns, their ain troubles with relationships and their ain tenseness s. Some parents are better able to associate to their kids than others. Some are warm and back uping, others may be rejecting or even negligent. Some parents are intelligent, competent people ; others may be uneducated, nonreader, and unable to hold on the significance of state of affairss affecting their kids, even though they love them ( Grolnick & A ; Ryan, 1989 ) . This chapter seeks to reexamine surveies on parental home-based engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment. The focal point is on assorted specific variables of parents ‘ home-based engagement that are conducive factors to kids ‘s academic accomplishment. This chapter is divided into seven different parts: ( 1 ) Part one: debut ; ( 2 ) Part two defines ( I ) parents ‘ home-based engagement and ( two ) academic accomplishment ; ( 3 ) portion three presents the overview of parental engagement surveies ; ( 4 ) Part four nowadayss function of households in kids ‘s schooling ; ( 5 ) portion five nowadayss parental home-based engagement and academic accomplishment ; ( 6 ) portion six describes act uponing factors on academic accomplishment including household size, economic position of the household, and parent ‘s instruction ; ( 7 ) portion seven presents the relationship between parents ‘ home-based engagement variables and kids ‘s acad emic accomplishment including ( I ) the relationship between prep engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment, ( two ) the relationship between monitoring of telecasting screening and kids ‘s academic accomplishment and ( three ) the relationship between larning installations in the place and kids ‘s academic accomplishment. 2.2 Definition 2.2.1 Parents ‘ home-based engagement Parents ‘ home-based engagement was defined by Nayarko ( 2010 ) , â€Å" Parental engagement in the acquisition activities of their kids at home-that is parental place engagement. It refers to the school-related activities, actions, and behaviors that perform at place that impact on the academic success of the kids. It includes activities such as assisting kids with their prep, treatment with the kids about their school advancement, proviso of words of encouragement, etc. † ( p.340 ) In other words, parents ‘ home-based engagement was defined by Pomerantz & A ; Moorman ( 2007 ) as â€Å" parents ‘ patterns related to school that take topographic point outside of school, normally, though non ever, in the place † ( p.375 ) . In this survey, parents ‘ home-based engagement shall be operationally defined as prep engagement, monitoring of telecasting screening, and larning installations in the place. 2.2.2Academic accomplishment Academic accomplishment was defined by two footings. 1. Academic – it contains to school topics or to Fieldss of broad humanistic disciplines or to the domain of thoughts and abstraction. 2. Achievement – it was denoted by cognition attained or accomplishments developed by students normally in the schools, measured by trial tonss or by Markss assigned by instructors. Academic accomplishment was defined as cognition required and accomplishments developed in school topics, by and large indicated by Markss obtained in trials in an one-year scrutiny ( Sunitha, 2005 ) . Academic accomplishment, in this survey, is defined as the symbol obtained by a kid in an scrutiny. In this respect, kids ‘s academic accomplishment is measured in footings of the kids ‘s public presentation as reflected in the one-year tonss, which were provided by the 2nd and 3rd class instructors with the blessing of the school principal. The academic classs of the pupils for one academic twelvemonth in 11 topics were aggregated and mean mark was used to define their educational or academic accomplishment. These topics are mathematics, Khmer literature, societal surveies ( moral and civic instruction, geographics, history and place economic sciences ) , scientific discipline ( natural philosophies, chemical science, biological science and Earth scientific discipline ) and physical instruction. 2.3 Overview of parental engagement surveies The first research in the country of parental engagement and academic accomplishment day of the months back to the early 1900 ‘s. E.C. Brooks, in 1916, conducted the first known survey of the effects of parental engagement on academic accomplishment ( Cooper, Lindsay & A ; Nye, 2000 ) . After questioning 268 4th, 5th, and 6th pupils, Brooks concluded â€Å" where parents are capable of steering the kid and are inclined to oversee the place survey, their kids win in school. But where the parents are illiterate or for other grounds are unable to oversee the place survey, their kids as a regulation either do slow advancement or are failures † ( as cited in Cooper et al. , 2000 ) . Since 1916, schools and society have both changed dramatically, but the implicit in findings of this survey are consistent with modern-day research. Numerous surveies have concluded that parental engagement in school is straight related to academic accomplishment. Research has overpoweringly shown that kids are more likely to hold higher academic accomplishment degrees and improved behavior when households are involved in the kid ‘s instruction ( Bryan, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the categorization proposed by Pomerantz et Al. ( 2007 ) , parents ‘ academic engagement is a many-sided concept that includes both home-based and school-based engagement. School-based engagement has been defined as parents ‘ collaborating with the kindergarten or school. It has been shown that school-based engagement enhances societal operation and decreases job behavior ( El Nokali Bachman & A ; Votruba-Drzal, 2010 ) . However, it does non straight predict alterations in accomplishment. Home-based engagement, on the other manus, refers to parents ‘ engagement in their kids ‘s school-related activities at place, and has been shown to be related to kids ‘s accomplishment ( Pomerantz et al. , 2007 ; Jeynes, 2005 ) . Parents ‘ home-based engagement ; that is, parental behavior in advancing kids ‘s academic development, can be seen to stand for what Morrison ( 2009 ) refer to as larning environment. Harmonizing to ( Foster, Lamber t, Abbott-Shim, McCarty & A ; Franze, 2005 ; Hart & A ; Risley, 1995 ; NICHD ECCRN,2003 ) , the place acquisition environment describes the educational quality of the scene parents set up for their kids, including entree to larning stuffs ( e.g. , books and playthings, battle in larning activities in the place and community ( e.g. , shared reading ; co-viewing educational telecasting plans ; trips to a museum or menagerie ) , and positive acquisition behaviors ( e.g. , parent reading in forepart of kid ) . In add-on, In 1988 Ascher mentioned that home-based acquisition activities were one of the most effectual and efficient ways for parents to pass clip with their kids. Harmonizing to the U.S Department of Education ( 1994 ) , kids ‘s acquisition and behaviors are enhanced when households 1 ) read together, 2 ) usage Television sagely, 3 ) set up a day-to-day modus operandi, 4 ) agenda daily prep times, 5 ) proctor out-of-school activities, 6 ) talk with their kids, 7 ) commun icate positive values, and 8 ) express high outlooks and offer congratulations and encouragement for accomplishment. Based on these old surveies, some specific facets of parental home-based engagement ( homework engagement, monitoring of telecasting screening, and larning installations in the place ) were developed as a conceptual model for this survey as presented in Figure 1 since they affect kids ‘s academic accomplishment ; moreover, they are the most appropriate facets to be studied in the country. Figure 1 Parents ‘ home-based engagement and its relation to kids ‘s academic accomplishment 2.4 The function of households in kids ‘s schooling The place is really germane and important to a kid ‘s well being and development in ulterior life. Family is the primary cell of society where the kid ‘s upbringing must get down since birth, still in cradle. Harmonizing to Bronfenbrenner & A ; Ceci, 1994 ; Sameroff, 1994, in order to help and back up their kids in their attempts to run intoing the demands of school, parents need to hold knowledge about their kids ‘s schooling and entree to resources to help them. Since household is the first establishment through which kids learn who they are, where they fit into society, and what sorts of hereafters they are likely to see or hold, it can non be neglected in our effort to develop the kid. Therefore, it is really indispensable for the environment within which they are raised or reared to supply the conditions that are needed to develop their innate features. The kid is non ever in the place environment, but at times in the school, it would be worthwhile if parents l iaise with the governments of the school to guarantee a proper and digesting development of the kid. Grace, Jethro & A ; Aina ( 2012 ) shows that household whose kids are making good in school exhibit the undermentioned characters: aˆ? Establish a day-to-day household modus operandi by supplying clip and a quiet topographic point to analyze with kids and delegating duty for house clasp jobs. aˆ? Monitor out-of-school activities, for illustration puting bounds on telecasting observation, cut down clip of playing, and supervise the group of friends the students walk with. aˆ? Encourage kids ‘s development and advancement in school ; that is keeping a warm and supportive place, demoing involvement in kids ‘s advancement at school, assisting him or her with prep, discoursing the value of a good instruction and future calling with kids ( p.197 as cited in Harderves, 1998 ) When schools work together with households to back up acquisition, kids tend to win non merely in school, but throughout life. In fact the most accurate forecaster of a pupil ‘s accomplishment in school is non income or societal position, but the extent to which that pupil ‘s household is able to make a place environment that encourages larning and to show high outlooks for their kids ‘s hereafter callings and become involved in their kids ‘s instruction at schools and in the place ( Grace, Jethro & A ; Aina, 2012 ) . 2.5 Parental home-based engagement and academic accomplishment The effectivity of instruction has traditionally been measured by kids ‘s academic public presentation or academic accomplishment operationalised as kids ‘s classs or GPA. Walberg, Schiller, and Hartel ( 1979 ) assert that educational stimulation by parents in the place can account for every bit much as 50 per centum of the difference in classs and trial tonss among pupils. The belief that effectual parental engagement within the place environment will interpret into academic success has spurred the development of legion school-based plans aimed at increasing the educationally stimulating quality of the place. In 1983, Graue et Al. reviewed 29 controlled surveies of simple school-based plans to find whether parent preparation plans were effectual or whether success was attributed because these plans selectively attracted competent households or bright kids. A quantitative synthesis led them to reason that school-based place direction plans have big positive effects on pupil ‘s academic acquisition with an mean consequence size twice that of socio-economic position. Hickman et Al. ( 1995 ) provided grounds about the efficaciousness of home-based parent engagement schemes. Using structured interview format, these research workers examined the relationship between pupils ‘ accomplishment in high school and different types of parent engagement. Of the seven types of parent engagement examined, merely home-based parent engagement was found to hold a positive linkage with pupil class point norm ( GPA ) . Fehrmann et Al. ( 1987 ) and Keith et Al. ( 1986 ) examined informations from the monolithic High School and Beyond sample of 28,051 seniors to find the direct and indirect effects of prep, telecasting screening, and pupils ‘ perceptual experience of parent engagement ( in day-to-day life, school advancement, and influence on station high school programs ) . They found the pupils ‘ perceptual experience of parent engagement in their life was positively correlated with the classs of school seniors but non with their accomplishment on standardised trials. Other research worker, nevertheless, have identified a positive connexion between pupils ‘ tonss on standardised trials and parent attempts within the place. Revicki ( 1981 ) , utilizing a sample of 2nd grade pupils from two geographically different schools, found a correlativity between pupils ‘ reading accomplishment and household outlooks and proviso of linguistic communication stimulation and home-based educational/reading activities. Overall, some research workers found a positive correlativity between parental home-based engagement and pupils ‘ classs, while others found a positive connexion between parental home-based engagement and pupils ‘ tonss on standardised trials. 2.6 Influencing factors on academic accomplishment Size of household, economic position of the household, instruction of parents may hold an impact on the academic achievement degree of students. 2.6.1Family size Child from big households are non likely to have the same sum or the same type of verbal stimulation from grownups which kids from smaller households obtain and accordingly, kids from big households tend to make less good academically. The ground could be that kids from big households are improbable to take full advantage of educational chances provided and therefore resulted in retardation in school. Chatterji et Al. ( 1972 ) made an effort to analyze the effects of household size on academic accomplishment of the kids. The sample consisted of 230 pupils both male childs and misss reading in category VI and category VII in eight Bengali schools in Calcutta. The pupils were divided into high, medium and low rational ability groups. Entire Markss obtained in the one-year scrutiny were taken as step of accomplishment. The consequences showed that household size and the figure of siblings were reciprocally related to the scholastic accomplishment of the kids particularly in low rational degree. Same tendency was observed when Mathur and Hudal ( 1972 ) conducted a survey to happen the relationship between the size of household and academic accomplishment of the kids. The sample consisted of 100 pupils analyzing in category Ten in a high school in Amrutsar. The consequences revealed a negative correlativity between the size of the household and academic accomplishment which indicated t hat bigger the household lower was the accomplishment. Similarly, Cherians ( 1990 ) conducted a survey on household size and academic accomplishment of kids. The sample consisted of 369 male childs and 652 misss in the age scope of 13 to 17 old ages old that represented entire 7 standard population in Transkei. The Markss obtained by the students at the 7 standard external scrutiny conducted by the Department of Education of the Government of Transkei was taken. The consequences revealed a negative relationship between household size of the kids and their academic accomplishment. Poonam and Balda ( 2001 ) revealed that household size was negatively correlated with IQ of kids. Above surveies indicate that kids from little size households compared to larger households are academically good. 2.6.2 Economic position of the household Children live in different environment ; that is, some kids live in hapless households, whereas some live in good to make households. They have different cognitive abilities, competency and accomplishments, which affects on their academic public presentation in school. Many research workers carried out their surveies on the relationship between economic position of the household and pupils ‘ academic accomplishment and showed different consequences. Chatterji et Al. ( 1972 ) survey revealed that economic conditions of the household had no consequence upon the scholastic accomplishment of kids in all the three viz. , high, medium and low rational ability groups. Besides, Sood ‘s ( 1990 ) studied on academic accomplishment of pre-engineering pupils in relation to socio-economic position. A limited sample consisted of 120 pupils of pre-engineering category from four colleges of Ambala were picked up by the way. In this survey academic accomplishment was taken as Markss obtained by the topics in their concluding scrutiny in pre-university/higher secondary. Kuppuswamy ‘s socio-economic graduated table ( urban ) from B for mensurating socio-economic position was used. The consequences showed that there was no important relationship between academic accomplishment and socio-economic position. However, Mathur and Hundal ( 1972 ) indicated that the one-year household income bore merely a moderate correlativity with academic accomplishment. Saini ‘s ( 1977 ) survey consequences revealed a positive correlativity between academic accomplishment and economic position of parents. Further, Wangoo and Khan ( 1991 ) carried out a survey to happen out whether the pupils from authorities and private schools differed significantly with regard to their socio-economic position and academic accomplishment was concerned. The sample consisted of 180 female pupils from 10 authorities and ten private schools within the age group of 13+ were selected from Srinagar. Kapoor ‘s pupil ‘s graduated table was administered and the mean of two one-year scrutiny consequences was considered as the standard for the academic accomplishment. The consequences revealed that authorities and private school pupils differed significantly. So for as their socio-economic position was concerned i mportant difference on academic accomplishment found between pupils from private and authorities schools. The relationship between academic accomplishment and socio-economic position when computed on entire sample was statistically important. Similarly, Gill and Sidhu ( 1988 ) reported that socio-economic position of parents influences the school public presentation of the pupils. 2.6.3 Parent ‘s instruction Of the assorted place conditions, parent ‘s educational attainment is critical so far as the academic accomplishment of the kids is concerned. The general difference towards instruction of the uneducated parents frequently put the kid in a place of disability for rational growing and development. Burt ( 1961 ) observed that such a kid can a small in his place, because his parents know amazingly small of any life except their ain and have neither clip nor the leisure, neither the ability nor the temperament to leave what small they know. Educated parents in general are likely to happen themselves relatively in better economic status and this consequence in greater stuffs supports for the instruction of their kids. Bhatnagar and Sharma ( 1992 ) carried out a research to look into the relationship between instruction of parents and academic accomplishment of pupils in semirural scene. A sum of 85 pupils of Rajasthan metropolis were related. The consequences revealed that the kids whose parents attended school performed higher academic public presentation than the kids whose parents did non go to the school. This indicates parental instruction was significantly related to the academic accomplishment of pupils. Likewise, Chakrabarti ( 1986 ) conducted a survey with100 male childs selected indiscriminately from English medium schools in Pune and found that the kids whose parents were extremely educated and involved in their survey had better public presentation in both school scrutinies and accomplishment trials than those whose parents were rich but less educated and non involved in their kids day-to-day activities and surveies. Furthermore, in their survey Chatterji et Al. ( 1972 ) showed that parent ‘s educational degree was straight related to the scholastic accomplishment of their kids. Similarly, Mathur and Hudal ( 1972 ) revealed a positive correlativity between parent ‘s educational degree and academic accomplishment of the kids. Krishnan ( 1977 ) conducted a survey on 180 pupils from 6th to 9th analyzing in cardinal school, Tirupati. The sample was divided into 3 groups depending on their parent ‘s instruction every bit high, in-between and low groups. The consequences showed that parent ‘s educational position had important influence on the academic accomplishment of the kids. From the above surveies it can be concluded that parent ‘s educational degree has a important consequence on the academic accomplishment of the kids. Higher the degree of the parents, higher was the school accomplishment of the kids. 2.7 The relationship between parents ‘ home-based engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment Based on the conceptual model on parental home-based engagement developed in ( clause 2.3 ) , the empirical research related to the relationship between different types of parental home-based engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment will be reviewed. This subdivision is divided into three chief classs as followers: the relationship between prep engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment, the relationship between monitoring of telecasting screening and kids ‘s academic accomplishment and the relationship between larning installations in the place and kids ‘s academic accomplishment. 2.7.1 The relationship between prep engagement and kids ‘s academic accomplishment The pattern of delegating prep is non a new phenomenon. The history of prep has been marked by several epochs. Holler and Lovelace ( 2001 ) define prep as any undertakings that are assigned by instructors and intend to be carried out during nonschool hours. Originally, prep was assigned as a penalty to pupils and was based on recitation. In the 1950s, pedagogues incorporated prep into the course of study as a manner of widening acquisition. But in the sixtiess, pedagogues decreased the sum of prep to pupils in fright that excessively much prep would do mental emphasis. The educational reform motion of the seventiess caused pedagogues to re-examine pupils larning, and it was established that increased prep consequences in improved pupil accomplishment ( Holler & A ; Lovelace, 2001 ) . In schools today, prep is used to obtain three chief ends: academic accomplishment, improved duty, and parental engagement ( Holler & A ; Lovelace, 2001 ) . It is by and large agreed that pupils benefit when their parents get involved in their prep procedure. Empirical findings sing the impact of parental engagement in kids ‘s prep, nevertheless, are assorted. On the one manus, Hoover-Dempsey et Al ( 2001 ) reviewed the research on prep and found: ( a ) parents ‘ engagement in prep took many signifiers, from set uping constructions for prep to direct direction on content and acquisition schemes ; ( B ) parents ‘ engagement appeared to act upon pupil academic accomplishment through back uping the development of attitudes and properties ( e.g. , motive and self-regulation ) that support acquisition. For case, Patall, Cooper & A ; Robison ( 2008 ) have conducted the probe of parent engagement in prep. From a meta-analysis of 22 samples from 20 surveies correlates parent engagement and accomplishment. They found that puting regulations about when and where prep should be done has the strongest positive relationship with accomplishment. Puting regulations besides entails clearly pass oning outlooks, supplying guidelines and reenforcing behavior when regulations are followed. This scheme may be a peculiarly effectual manner to increa se the clip pupils attend to homework undertaking or the effectivity of how clip is used. They besides found that direct engagement assistance, which involves the parents giving feedback on prep truth or tutoring and giving direction about the content of prep, is positively related. Xu and Corno ( 2003 ) suggested that â€Å" household aid with prep † was related to middle school pupils ‘ behaviors of set uping larning environments and commanding emotions. Besides, there is apparent that prep improves accomplishment for high school ( Keith, 1982 ) , in-between school ( Keith et al. , 1993 ) and simple school pupils ( Paschal, Weinstein, & A ; Walberg, 1984 ) . Its positive influence extends to both standardized trial mark ( Walberg, Paschal, & A ; Weinstein, 1985 ) and classs ( Natrillo & A ; McDill, 1986 ) . And some research workers report positive between parental engagement with prep and school accomplishment. Epstein ( 1983 ) , in a longitudinal survey with interio r metropolis pupils, found prep activities ( naming to child and promoting & A ; assisting in prep ) produce important additions over clip, particularly in reading. Causal theoretical accounts by Keith et Al. ( 1986 ; 1993 ) with senior and eight class samples besides suggest a positive relationship between parents ‘ engagement with prep and pupil accomplishment although the consequence is indirect with parent influence strongly increasing the clip spent on prep which in bend additions accomplishment. On the other manus, parental engagement in prep is frequently found to correlate negatively with pupil accomplishment. For case, Bembenutty ( 2006 ) found that self-regulated acquisition ( such as self-efficacy, attempt ordinance, and intrinsic motive ) was a positive forecaster of math accomplishments as measured by the standardised trial, but parental engagement in prep ( frequence of look intoing prep and offering aid ) was found to be negatively related to math accomplishment of 10th class high school pupils. In their survey, Patall, Cooper & A ; Robinson ( 2008 ) found that supervising prep involved look intoing that prep is completed is negatively related to accomplishment. Weger ( 1993 ) besides found a negative correlativity between the sum of clip parents spent straight oversing their kids ‘s prep and their kids ‘s classs and accomplishment. Cooper ( 1989 ) has conducted the most extended probe of the relationship between prep and academic accomplishment. From a meta-analysis of 120 empirical surveies, he found that although there is a correlativity between prep and achievement the effects are really grade-level particular. The mean high school pupil with prep would out-perform 69 % of no-homework pupils, in junior high school the effects would merely behalf as strong, and in simple school there would be no consequence on accomplishment. Cooper discovered similar form when he examined the optimum clip a pupil should pass on prep. In simple school there is no relationship between prep clip and accomplishment, in junior high the accomplishment improved until the assignment lasted between one and two hours a dark and in high school the accomplishment effects continued above two hours a dark. Overall, the research to day of the month suggests that prep has positive influence on academic accomplishment with its effects going stronger as pupils progress in school. Parent engagement with prep appears to be an effectual manner to raise pupil accomplishment, chiefly because of its influence on clip variables. Correlation research, nevertheless, will non ever demo its positive consequence because parents may go involved with prep as a response to already bing accomplishment jobs. 2.7.2 The relationship between monitoring of telecasting screening and kids ‘s academic accomplishment The sum of clip kids spend watching telecasting varies from one to another. Television screening has been demonstrated to hold a little negative consequence on pupil accomplishment ( Fan & A ; Chen, 2001 ) , although its impact on academic accomplishment may be complex and depends on types of scheduling and sum of clip spent on watching Television ( Thompson & A ; Austin, 2003 ) . Nary ( 2004 ) tested the waies for the influence of Television sing on academic accomplishment utilizing informations from the 1997 Child Development Supplement ( CDS ) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics ( PSID ) . The consequences suggest that Television screening hindered academic accomplishment non merely by cut downing the clip pupils spent on prep, analyzing and reading for leisure but besides by increasing their mental passiveness and impulsiveness. In add-on, the hypothesis that telecasting sing stimulated academic accomplishment was non supported. Fetler ( 1984 ) conducted a research with the capable base of 10,000 simple school pupils, in a survey of telecasting screening and academic accomplishment, to find the factors that influenced academic accomplishment. Television screening was measured by the sum of clip kids spent watching telecasting and the academic accomplishment was measured by mathematical ability and written look. The consequences indicated that sing telecasting for more than four hours a twenty-four hours was associated with lower accomplishment for all pupils. He besides found that kids improved in academic accomplishment with the mid scope of telecasting screening, but merely when telecasting screening was moderate ( 1-2 hours ) . Reviewing literature from the last 25 old ages sing the impact of telecasting sing on pupil accomplishment and necessary behaviors for school success, Thompson and Austin ( 2003 ) concluded that moderate degrees of meaningful and supervised telecasting screening may be better for k ids than excessively much or no screening at all. In their surveies, Williams, Haertel, Haertel and Walberg ( 1982 ) investigated the relationship between leisure telecasting screening and accomplishment. Their synthesis of 23 empirical surveies found a curvilineal relationship between telecasting screening and accomplishment with positive effects happening for up to ten hours of hebdomad. Beyond this, the effects seem to be progressively negative, particularly for misss and high ability pupils. Overall, telecasting sing appears to hold a little, negative relationship with school accomplishment. A survey by Keith et Al. ( 1986 ) besides found a little negative relationship between telecasting screening and academic accomplishment but their research does non bespeak a curvilineal form for optimum screening clip. Consistent with the earlier survey, high ability pupils are more adversely affected. In 1993, Keith et Al. found that parent engagement additions homework which decreases telecasting clip. In contrast, the high degrees of unsupervised mindless telecasting screening, particularly when it is done in stead of day-to-day reading or other academic stimulation, can hold the possible to exercise harmful effects on accomplishment ( Thompson and Austin, 2003 ) . Although telecasting sing did non look to hold a important impact on educational accomplishment, Keith et Al. ( 1993 ) suggests that parental engagement can actuate pupils to pass clip on more educationally productive activities. Clark, et al. , ( 1978 ) found that sing wonts typically increases throughout simple school old ages, and decreases during high school old ages. The old ages right before and after adolescence are the more opportune times to determine Television sing wonts. From these positions, parent puting bounds on kids ‘s telecasting screening clip or scene regulations about Television is necessary. The research conducted by Ridley-Johnson, Cooper & A ; Chance ( 1982 ) suggests that when parents set regulation about telecasting their kids have higher reading, math and ability tonss. Similarly, a more recent survey by Fan & A ; Williams ( 2010 ) , analyzing whether assorted elements of parental engagement predicted 10th grade pupils ‘ motive utilizing informations from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 ( ELS 2002 ) , showed that household regulations at place like the regulations for watching telecasting positively predicted pupil ‘s academic battle and intrinsic motive in both English and mathematics. As parents limit their kids ‘s entree to telecasting, it is possible that kids will pass more clip prosecuting in constructive acquisition activities that they enjoy and therefore heightening their intrinsic motive and battle towards faculty members. Patrick ( 1991 ) besides discovered that higher school societal surveies achievement is associated with â€Å" limited telecasting screening. † In decision, moderate telecasting screening does non look to hold a strong negative consequence on educational accomplishment. Nevertheless, parent monitoring of telecasting screening is advantageous as it can guarantee that sing does non replace other activities which have more good results. 2.7.3 The relationship between larning installations in the place and kids ‘s academic accomplishment Home acquisition environment is one of the favorable conditions for kids ‘s instruction. Lustberg ( 1998 ) suggested that it is of import that parents can supply an appropriate topographic point where kids can work at place. Besides, parents must supervise prep clip and do certain pupils have an atmosphere conducive to analyzing and forming their clip and duty. Saunders ( N.D ) found that parents pass more clip assisting their kids with prep and undertakings when there is both designated clip and topographic point for the kid to analyze. In a high-quality place acquisition environment, health professionals foster kids ‘s communicating accomplishments and cognitive development by supplying them with educational drama stuffs and prosecuting them in activities that facilitate acquisition. Harmonizing to the parent investing theoretical account ( Mayer, 1997 ) , kids ‘s success depends on the clip, money, energy, and back up their parents put in the kids ‘s â€Å" human capital † every bit good as cultural gifts, such as the value parents topographic point on instruction through their modeling of larning behaviors and battle in larning activities. The money households spend on their kids through the buying of playthings, books, and larning stuffs for the place, and the clip spent prosecuting kids in larning activities, are investings that contribute to a high-quality place acquisition environment. Melhuish et al. , ( 2008 ) examined the relationship between place acquisition environment and literacy and numeracy development in 2,875 kids who participated in a longitudinal survey from ages three to seven old ages. It was found that place acquisition environment was positively related to academic accomplishment. In another survey, Duthilleul ( 1997 ) examined how parental patterns were associated with accomplishment in reading comprehension among 4th graders in Montevideo, Uruguay public school. This survey found that one of the most consistent effects on pupil accomplishment in the literacy accomplishments is the effects of presence of a literacy environment at place ; pupils who have more books and school stuffs available at place tend to hold higher reading accomplishment tonss because they have more chances to larn, experience and develop literacy-related accomplishments. A more recent survey by Altschul ( 2011 ) examined the relationship between six signifiers of parental engagement in instruction and young person ‘s academic results. By utilizing of course representative informations ( N= 1,609 ) from National Education Longitude Survey, the survey found that parents ‘ payment for educational resources such as computing machine, typewriter, Atlass, books, pocket reckoner, day-to-day newspaper, magazines and dictionary in the place has a slightly greater impact on accomplishment than the other signifiers of engagement that parents spend clip engaging in enriching activities together and discoursing school-related affairs. Furthermore, Saunder ( N.D ) suggested that appropriate stuff is indispensable to student accomplishment. Harmonizing to Rasinski & A ; Frederiks, 1988 & A ; Zhang Carrasquillo, 1995, larning resources and chances available are of import factors in effectual place acquisition environment created by parents. The learning resources and stuffs help kids develop school-related accomplishments. In this type of larning environment, kids may experience at easiness when they work on jobs with their parents, and can frequently larn of course when their parents enable them to manage books at place. In 1996, Khare conducted a survey on place acquisition environment and academic accomplishment of simple school kids. The sample consisted of 212 pupils of in-between schools of Bhopal metropolis. Datas were analyzed by the aid of Product-Moment correlativity, t-test and analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) for unequal cell sizes. The consequences showed important correlativity between place environment and accomplishment in misss and male childs. There is a important difference in school accomplishment of male childs and misss. It was besides found out that the effects of environment and gender on school accomplishment of pupil male childs were better than misss. In one survey ( NICHD, 2003 ) , the quality of place acquisition environment has been found to be a important forecaster of kids ‘s school preparedness accomplishments. Specially, kids with high-quality place acquisition environments show higher knowledge, linguistic communication, societal competency, motive to larn, attending and undertaking continuity than kids with low-quality place acquisition environments. Similarly, Fantuzzo, McWayne, Perry, and Childs ( 2004 ) observed that, in a low-income and urban sample, home-based household engagement in the autumn of preschool, characterized by actively advancing a place acquisition environment for kids ( e.g. , making a infinite for larning activities at place and supplying larning chances for the kid in the community ) , strongly predicted kids ‘s motive to larn, attending, undertaking continuity, receptive vocabulary accomplishments, and low behavior jobs later in the spring of preschool. From the above surveies it can be concluded that the quality of place acquisition environment has a slightly impact on kids ‘s academic accomplishment as it is the status for kids ‘s instruction.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Benefits of Information Technology essay

buy custom Benefits of Information Technology essay Cost Savings and Revenue-Enhancement Factors that Are Realized with New Technology Automated Processes and the Ability to Work Remotely With the implementation of new Information Technology (IT) systems comes improvement in productivity, high degrees of accuracy in the information circulating within firms and better profit performance of firms. IT helps the business to process large volumes of data and information at a relatively shorter time. It therefore, follows that the beneficiaries of such information such as the employees and the management have access to reliable and accurate data and information which is critical in surviving in todays highly dynamic and competitive business environment. Saving time in carrying out business functions and processes also helps firms to cut overhead costs of carrying out lengthy and redundant business processes (Sheahan, 2011). For example, in the past, some companies have had to seek services of other firms in computing their incomes and expenditures at the end of each fiscal. Today, these business functions have been made even simpler and cheaper since firms only maintain lea n departments tasked with other jobs as computations can easily be analyzed by use of spreadsheets and other relevant software. Therefore, while the companys employees are involved in other tasks, due to autoation of computers, it can also automatically run its reports, monitor business financials, create custom system queries, and track project progress. Ease and Cost of Communication The availability of both local and international networks has improved the performances of businesses communication and cut down on travel costs because businesses can share large amounts of voice data and video services across their businesses. With outsourcing and other business operations aimed at maximizing profits and minimizing operational costs, IT systems have come in handy in effecting communication where numerous businesses and organizations are controlled by one head office (Stair Reynolds, 2011).For example, even while on a long business trip, the secretary can still furnish the business president with information and by use of the companys electronic network, the president can access the companys data bases and information. This ensures continuity of business processes even when management is not physically available to supervise operations. Electronic Storage and Protection of Records IT systems enable electronic storage functions that are capable of storing massive volumes of important business records in form of raw data and information. Secure and confidential storage of client data and informatioon is critical in gaining the integrity and confidence of business associates and clients. Storage facilities for example, storage vaults securely keep data by allowing only authorized personnel to access that information. Changes or lose of information and data are minimized or even eliminated as they are only available to authorized users with due rights and privileges. The security and cost of maintaining crucial data are realized because office space is saved and security enhanced due to the security protocols employed to secure information and data in the companys data bases. Section 2 Importance of the these Factors All the above benefits that come with the IT systems in an organization are geared towards the achievement of efficiency and maximization of productivity in a firm, secure storage, and ease of access of business information and cheap and fast communication. When a business organization achieves these important elements, the costs of doing business are significantly minimized (Sheahan, 2011). Also, due to efficiency attained by saving of both time and finances of an organization, the incomes of a firm are optimized. A firm that has sound understanding of IT applications easily gains a competitive edge especially in todays IT-driven world thus remaining ahead of competition. Buy custom Benefits of Information Technology essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Geological history of PA essays

Geological history of PA essays The earth is an ever-changing chunk of rock to put it at the lowest level of comprehension available. This rock that we call home is brewing with billions of life forms and is constantly changing every day. This can be attributed to the various cycles that are at work on this planet of our, from the hydrological system to the rock cycle the earth is an ever changing form. Pennsylvania is just a small part of this system we call our home. Formed millions of year ago by tectonic collisions and molten rock Pennsylvania is a part of the earth full of specially minerals and geological features that stand out as being come of the best in the world. What would our state be with out its coalmines and steel mills. Which of course are only possible through the unique geographic features of our state. The Pre-Achaean, Achaean and Proterozoic Eras. Geologists believe that Pennsylvania was formed by parts of the Laurentian continental crust block. This crust block is made up of many micro plates, which were accreted during the period from about 2.5 billion to 1.0 billion years ago. This was previously part of an even larger crustal block called Rodinia. Geologist believes that PA is full of rocks that were once part of this crustal block. These rocks are known as the Greenville rocks. Greenville rocks are metamorphic rocks composed mainly of gneiss. Some of these rocks are visible in Southeastern PA but most are buried deep within the surface of PA. The Cambrian and Ordovician Periods This is really the period that life started to develop in the state of Pennsylvania. Now how did life star in this state you may ask, well here is how. At the start of the Cambrian period water from the Ocean spread inland across North America. Pennsylvania got in the way of this and was covered with a shallow layer of water which created unique environments for both life as well as the opportunity of new deposition of sediment. This water cover also had a...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Q Words

Q Words Q Words Q Words By Mark Nichol Have you ever noticed the similarity in vocalization when you utter words starting with wh- and those beginning with qu-? Go ahead and try it now. Don’t be embarrassed nobody’s looking. Huh your mouth’s moves are almost identical, right? But that’s not coincidental, because many English words beginning with wh- are akin to Latin terms beginning with qu-, and, of course, many English words beginning with qu- are directly descended from the language of ancient Rome. And others of our wh- words and qu- words have some conceptual kinship, too. Let’s look first at the journalist’s keywords: Who is from the Latin word qui. What, when, where, why, and how, though not derived from Latin (they’re all from Old English), are cognates words related to another by common descent from an ancient language of who, which is. In addition, quite a few words starting with qu- refer directly or indirectly to the concepts behind these basic interrogatives. Note in the etymologies listed after each term and before the definitions below how often the wh- words show up or are implied: Quality (qualis, â€Å"of what kind†): character, air, or nature (â€Å"He had a bookish quality to him†), property (â€Å"The painting has an ephemeral quality†), role (â€Å"She adopted the quality of a mentor†), grade (â€Å"The relative quality of the two brands is indistinguishable†) Quantity (quantus, â€Å"how much† or â€Å"how large†): amount or number (â€Å"The quantity of items in the box is listed on the back†) Quandary (unknown; perhaps informally derived from quando, â€Å"when†): state of doubt or perplexity (â€Å"I’m in a quandary about that†) Quantum (quantus, â€Å"how much†): quantity, portion, or bulk, or a subdivision of energy or matter; usually used in the expression â€Å"a quantum leap,† which technically refers to a submicroscopic event but in popular usage denotes a significant increase or progress Question (quaerere, â€Å"to seek, ask†): an expression of inquiry, or something discussed or disputed; also, possibility â€Å"(â€Å"There’s no question of repairing it†) or objection (â€Å"I have no question about his qualifications†) Quiddity (quid, â€Å"what†): essence (â€Å"The sculpture portrays the quiddity of the subject’s frailty†), or eccentricity or quibble (â€Å"Despite her quiddities, I like her†) Quondam (quondam, â€Å"at one time†): erstwhile, former (â€Å"I heard from my quondam friend Joe the other day†) Quota (quota pars, â€Å"how great a part†): a proportional share or limit (â€Å"They met their quota†) Quotidian (quotidie, â€Å"every day,† from quot, â€Å"many, how many† and dies, â€Å"day†): commonplace, everyday (â€Å"Its quotidian lack of flair bored me†) Quotation (or Quote) (quot, â€Å"how many†): something repeated or referred to, or the process of doing so, but originally referred to numbering (â€Å"Read the quotation from the book†) Also, note quo (â€Å"in which†), which occurs in the ubiquitous â€Å"status quo† (â€Å"the state in which†), the less common â€Å"quid pro quo† (this for that), and â€Å"quo vadis† (â€Å"where are you going?†), based on a verse in the Bible and popularized by a novel by that name and its screen adaptations but seldom used by writers and speakers of English. See the connections in the following words? Quiet is derived from quies, meaning â€Å"rest or silence,† as is while, which can also refer to a duration of time a quantity. Quit (from quietus, meaning â€Å"free† or â€Å"calm†) implies the end of a quantity of time or action, while quite, in the senses of â€Å"very† and â€Å"thoroughly† degrees of quantity has the same etymological origin. And quiz may have a direct link: It’s probably derived from qui es, which means â€Å"who are you?† Not all words beginning with qu- share these origins, of course. Quack and quail are onomatopoeic. Quaint, though stemming from Latin, is not derived from a qu- word. Queer is Germanic (quirk may be related), as are quench and quick, both from Old English. But one thing most qu- words share is some quality, quiddity, or quirk that makes them quite useful to writers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†The Four Sounds of the Spelling OUThe Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Increased Women's Issues and Its Significance in American Culture Essay

Increased Women's Issues and Its Significance in American Culture - Essay Example Women were offered low payment compared to men in 1820 and this facilitated them to replace men in school teacher’s position. Women as they started receiving jobs, they gained an acknowledgeable position in the society. The concept of republicanism initiated equality between women and men, and even altered family and social values. Woman’s rights movement was one of the causes behind women gaining significance in American culture. Abolitionist movement and women rights movement took place at the same time. These movements were closely knitted with one another since they reinforced each other. Both the movements were associated with incorporating equality within the system. Second Great Awakening indicated that women shall be considered to be moral reformers of society as well as family. There were circumstances when women were observed to become a part of abolitionist sphere. This strengthened women in order to stand up for equality in the society. Abolitionist proposal enabled women to criticize any wrong happenings occurring in American society.1 Several American institutions were abused who not only supported women empowerment but also was against equality for African Americans. Women’s Rights Convention was organized in 1848 in New York. This was one of the reasons behind evolution of women’s issues. The convention held was an act of protest, mainly in context of mistreatment towards women in religious, social, political and economic dimension. The convention ended with Declaration of Independence, which clearly stated that women would be provided with equal privilege and right like men, encompassing right to vote. This change in laws and regulations made women powerful in American culture. The new set of laws designed was in favor of women and their societal position. American society noticed turmoil with the emergence of women’s issues.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Recruitment and Selection Processes - Essay Example Through the process of recruitment, a company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. Selection is a process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization (Rao, 2005, p-143). The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job, from the pool of qualified candidates. 2.1 PepsiCo India: Pepsi is a flat organization. There are a maximum of four reporting levels. Executive here emphasis achievement, motivation, the ability to deliver come what may. As the Personnel manager of Pepsi Foods remarked Recruiters must be capable of thinking outside the box, cutting the cake of conventional barriers whenever and wherever necessary. They must have a winner mindset and a passion for creating a dynamic change. They must have the ability to deal with ambiguity informality. PepsiCo has to tap external sources for various positions. ... (Business Today, 2000, p.129) Recruiters must be capable of thinking outside the box, cutting the cake of conventional barriers whenever and wherever necessary. They must have a winner mindset and a passion for creating a dynamic change. They must have the ability to deal with ambiguity informality. Recruitment process includes PepsiCo has to tap external sources for various positions. Running enterprises have to recruit employees from outside for filling the positions whose specifications cannot be met by the present employees, and for meeting the additional requirements of manpower. The following external sources of recruitment are commonly used by PepsiCo. (i) Direct Recruitment. An important source of recruitment is recruitment by placing a notice on the notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of the jobs available. It is also known as recruit factory gate. (ii) Casual Callers or Unsolicited Applications. The organizations are regarded as good employers draw a steady stream of unsolicited applications in their offices. This serves as a valuable source of manpower. If adequate attention is paid to maintain pending application folders for jobs, the personnel department may find the unsolicited applications in filling the vacancies whenever they arise. The merit of this source of recruitment is that it avoids the costs of recruiting workforce from other sources. (iii) Outsourcing Under this arrangement, PepsiCo India draws the required personnel from the outsourcing firms or agencies on commission basis rather than offering them employment. This is also called leasing of human resources. The outsourcing firms develop their human resource pools by

Sexual Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sexual Relations - Essay Example The mention of virtue is ridiculed, and even the word itself has fallen out of favor" (1928). Most of what we are seeing these days is a loss of virtue, of family values and religious beliefs. These are the exact same things ignorance to which is leading us into social disarray. So realizing the limitation and strength of faith of people in general in taking initiative towards self redemption, I believe that they need to be comprehensively informed in the subject of sexual education, primarily to equip them to make better decisions and safe guard their health. No matter how much help we take from religion to propagate abstinence, although if we would have adhered to our respective religions and be good practitioners, things wouldn't be in such dire straits, but publics' general tendency is to turn a deaf year to such sermons. Preventing access to sexual health information has been counterproductive, and trying to force feed abstinence through misinformation breeds frustration, mistrust and rebelliousness (Abstinence-only programs, 2006). My focus would be the student lot, specifically the ones undergoing graduate or undergraduate programs. The reason to this is that students younger than this age group are generally not aware of their sexuality, and are mostly devoid of sexual temptation which leads to intercourse. Age group elder then this is generally more aware, although not much can be expected out of them in moral issues, but they would definitely act more responsibly and carefully. So the students in graduate and under graduate level are a group in limbo, since these students are now aware of their sexuality and are tempted to experiment, they are prone to make mistakes and regret later since they are less aware of ECPs and STDs. Literature Review Abstinence-only sexuality programs Abstinence is a virtue which cannot be practiced individually, it is an evident truth seen throughout history, this is ever so evident in teen students, until and less abstinence is inculcated in children by stick. Conducting programs which preach teen students to abstain from intercourse has little effect, as it is only helpful in delaying the inevitable for just an iota more. In fact, whenever these teens succumb to the worldly desires, they are ever more vulnerable in contracting sexually transmitted diseases because they are dangerously ill informed in the use of contraceptives and sexually transmitted diseases. Students who promise to refrain exhibit a higher inclination towards unsafe sex as compared to students who don't challenge their will power to subdue their covetousness (Bearman and Brueckner, 2001; Walters, 2005). The proof to failure to desist became evermore apparent in a latest study held countrywide where sophomores underwent abstinence regimen and some did not, and the reports indicated that there was no proportional difference in the endeavors taken towards sexual experiences ("Study:Abstinence," 2007; Trenholm et al., 2007). Comprehensive

Business statistics-----Summarizing Data Statistics Project

Business -----Summarizing Data - Statistics Project Example Given this trend income is likely to increase and people now can afford more luxury items. The major increase was in people earning above $40000 and decline in the income below that range. This shows that this income is becoming a base-line income with time. During the same period there has been increase in Asian ethnicity in the USA and decrease in other ethnicities. So, in developing country those snacks the taste of Asian community should be under great consideration and as they have increased by about 60% in 2000 when comparing with 1990s. Similarly there has been a trend that people are moving towards buying their own house than living in rented house. This shows increase in Living Standard and Disposable income which mean that people will be able to afford the snacks if they are good. As far as employment statistics are concerned there has been an increase in absolute number of people employed but percentage wise unemployment has risen which is not a good indicator. Those in work, Most of them drive themselves to work alone. This shows the increase in living standard as people are not using motor cycles to work and very few of them taking public transport to work. Most of the people take around 20-34 minutes to reach their work.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Relationship between Partner Abuse and Welfare Recipients Essay

The Relationship between Partner Abuse and Welfare Recipients - Essay Example A snapshot of the target group in New York compared to the target group in California had only one major difference: Ethniticity. This most probably is because of demographic differences between the regions. This issue is so important because it involves considerable suffering and oppression to a select segment of the population of the United States. Other countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom have similar issues. This study focused on communities within the United States. It is noteworthy that the problems of our poor are the source of much worry in other countries as well. Abuse is cyclical. Children are prone to repeat behaviors modeled by their parents. Children in environments that witness domestic violence are very prone to repeat that behavior in their adult homes. There has been much research that shows that boys who witness domestic violence will grow up to be abusive toward their families, wives, or domestic partners. According to "Children who witness domestic violence may develop serious emotional, behavioral, developmental, or academic problems. As children, they may become violent themselves, or withdraw. Some act out at home or school; others try to be the perfect child. Children from violent homes may become depressed and have low self-esteem. Welfare reform - changes is welfare laws such as the require... Attempt suicide. Use and abuse drugs. Commit crimes, especially sexual assault. Become abusers in their own relationships later in life." To understand this issue one must be familiar with the terms of welfare and domestic violence that the social services industry uses most commonly. The terms most used in the article are: Partner on partner abuse - spousal abuse, domestic partner abuse, boyfriend or girlfriend abuse, older child on younger Welfare - public assistance provided to low/no income family units. It can be in the form of money, housing, food stamps, childcare, etc Domestic violence - any violence that takes place in the home between family members. This violence or abuse can take the form of physical, sexual, mental, emotional abuse or deprivation. Welfare reform - changes is welfare laws such as the requirement that welfare recipients work to receive benefits, time limits on eligibility (5 years in Ohio), and benefit amounts not increased upon the birth of an additional child. Changes in the welfare laws were designed to encourage recipients to get off welfare. Welfare reform is designed to change the usage of benefits back to their original intention-as temporary assistance during hard times vs. a subculture of benefit users that pass on to the next generation the idea that benefits are an entitlement. Further definitions will be provided as they occur in this paper. The reader must also understand that although most partner abuse is man on woman many cases of woman on man abuse takes place as well. Sadly, as children from violent or abusive homes grow up they are prone to duplicate the abuse in their homes. This could take place as older child on younger or older child on parent. The theoretical or

Palestenian Civil Socity Fundings Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Palestenian Civil Socity Fundings - Term Paper Example This has resulted into the humanitarian crisis in the region that has led to the increase of the plethora of the civil societies and the NGOs witnessed today. Background and introduction to Palestinian Civil Society Movement Civil society movement started in the early 1920s in Palestine and the most eminent organization then included Labour Unions of the Islam and the Christians, Women’s organizations, and youth clubs, all were concentrated on the national issues. Coming to 1930, six other societies added onto the list of the three main organizations. Their main grievances were the mandate that was given to the British that allowed the sentiment of the Jews in the Arab land. It is however notable that between the years 1948 and 1964, the civil society movement in Palestine severely dispersed, and only a few NGOs remained within the Palestine boarders.1 The Palestinians in other countries had no option but to join local NGOs in whichever place they are and later used those loca l organizations to form formidable national Palestinian NGOs, Palestinian General Federation of Student is one such typical having established in the 1959 outside Palestine but later had a national outlook to push for the Palestinian agenda. The civil societies in Palestine faced several challenges that forced them to operate in coverts following the influences of some major international powers that thwarted the development of a strong civil movement in Palestine. For instance, the Egyptians suppressed the Palestinian Communist Party of Gaza, Arab, Nationalist Ba’ath Party, and the several braches of the Muslim Brotherhood that operated secretly in the West Bank. During this period, Gaza was under the control of Egypt while Jordan was considered for the West Bank management; these countries ensured that there is no civil movement in their areas of dominance. The needs to suppress the civil movement in Palestine were manifested when Egypt dissolved the in 1948 the Palestine N ational Council that was meant to operate in Gaza. The perfection of the need to inhibit civil movement in Palestine can be construed when in 1963 following the Gaza elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, there were no civil societies allowed to operate in West Bank except for those that demonstrated non-political activities and charities. Those that were considered must have established a federation in 1958; they also had to conform to the Jordanian law, with approval of every undertaken activity.2 From 1964, PLO started to lead the civil societies, which were in different faction and got concerned about youth organizations and voluntary works while operating outside the country of Palestine. Between 1970s and 80s, the focus was shifted to health and education, it should therefore be noted that most of the civil organization in Palestine between 1960s and 80s concentrated on services and relief with no reference to development. The development and human rights idea only c ame after the first intifada. The PLO led organizations grew ineffective in the 1990s and paved ways for the emergence of the intifada. This has led to the progressive development of the civil society in the country to date advocating and agitating for change in almost all spheres. The

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Relationship between Partner Abuse and Welfare Recipients Essay

The Relationship between Partner Abuse and Welfare Recipients - Essay Example A snapshot of the target group in New York compared to the target group in California had only one major difference: Ethniticity. This most probably is because of demographic differences between the regions. This issue is so important because it involves considerable suffering and oppression to a select segment of the population of the United States. Other countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom have similar issues. This study focused on communities within the United States. It is noteworthy that the problems of our poor are the source of much worry in other countries as well. Abuse is cyclical. Children are prone to repeat behaviors modeled by their parents. Children in environments that witness domestic violence are very prone to repeat that behavior in their adult homes. There has been much research that shows that boys who witness domestic violence will grow up to be abusive toward their families, wives, or domestic partners. According to "Children who witness domestic violence may develop serious emotional, behavioral, developmental, or academic problems. As children, they may become violent themselves, or withdraw. Some act out at home or school; others try to be the perfect child. Children from violent homes may become depressed and have low self-esteem. Welfare reform - changes is welfare laws such as the require... Attempt suicide. Use and abuse drugs. Commit crimes, especially sexual assault. Become abusers in their own relationships later in life." To understand this issue one must be familiar with the terms of welfare and domestic violence that the social services industry uses most commonly. The terms most used in the article are: Partner on partner abuse - spousal abuse, domestic partner abuse, boyfriend or girlfriend abuse, older child on younger Welfare - public assistance provided to low/no income family units. It can be in the form of money, housing, food stamps, childcare, etc Domestic violence - any violence that takes place in the home between family members. This violence or abuse can take the form of physical, sexual, mental, emotional abuse or deprivation. Welfare reform - changes is welfare laws such as the requirement that welfare recipients work to receive benefits, time limits on eligibility (5 years in Ohio), and benefit amounts not increased upon the birth of an additional child. Changes in the welfare laws were designed to encourage recipients to get off welfare. Welfare reform is designed to change the usage of benefits back to their original intention-as temporary assistance during hard times vs. a subculture of benefit users that pass on to the next generation the idea that benefits are an entitlement. Further definitions will be provided as they occur in this paper. The reader must also understand that although most partner abuse is man on woman many cases of woman on man abuse takes place as well. Sadly, as children from violent or abusive homes grow up they are prone to duplicate the abuse in their homes. This could take place as older child on younger or older child on parent. The theoretical or

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DBQ Reconstruction Essay Example for Free

DBQ Reconstruction Essay The union victory in the Civil War gave four million slaves their freedom, but reuniting the South with the North introduced a new set of significant challenges. The Congress Reconstruction were the efforts to establish and protect citizens rights of freedom. Democrats led to the failure of the Congress Reconstruction by forgiving those who participated in the Civil War who were still in favor of slavery and inequality. This act of Amnesty led to three major obstacles for reconstruction: the emergence of the Ku Kux Klan, the development of black codes, and the Compromise f 1877. The emergence of the Ku Kux Klan was one of the main contributors to the failure of the Congress Reconstruction, leaving open spots for other major events that brought completely down the reconstruction. On November 23, 1868, in Tennessee, General George Thomas explained that the purpose of the Ku Kux Klan was to allow the Southern people that participated in the Civil War to come in union with those who had abandoned the thought of inequality. This gave them the advantage to bring back inequality and kill black men. (Document 2). By forgiving these Southern people, illing freedmen became easy. These people that were being forgiven had the same mentality from before the war, which was involved with the approval of slavery and the inequality there should be because black men werent like white men. Kenneth Stampp, a history professor form the University of California at Berkeley, expressed himself in The Era of Reconstruction, 1865-1877 about how in May 1872, the Congress developed an Amnesty act to reestablish the right to vote for the majority of those Southerners that had been forgiven. (Document 3). Giving the right to vote to these eople, put the reconstruction in danger. The right of voting allowed Southerners to vote for someone that would still want slavery. Voting for someone with a mentality like that would Just allow slavery back, and thats why The Congress Reconstruction started to fail. Even though the black codes were created with the purpose of giving freedmen equal rights like white men, the codes werent followed correctly and black men were still being discriminated. The black codes were supposed to follow the 13, 14, and 15th amendment, but they werent quite followed the way it was supposed to. Both black and white men were given the same rights, but everything was separated between races, one was for black men and one for white men, showing discrimination. When the black codes were established, black men became freedmen, but even though these men could start living as freedmen, many decided to stay as slaves. In a compilation of these interviews published by Benjamin Botkin in 1945, John McCoy is quoted as saying, l works for Marse John he says one morningJohn, you can go the government say you is free l didnt know nothing what money was, nohow, but I knows Ill git plenty victuals to eat, so I stays (Document 7). The majority of slaves had been slaves through their entire life. These people didnt know how to live themselves. Black men were ignorants on how to live without being a slave, so many, just like McCoy, decided to stay where they were working so their owners would provide them an easier way of surviving even though they were still working as slaves. In 1935, an African-American historian, Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, published a book of the history of Reconstruction where he wrote, Negros who wanted to work must not dabble in politics. Negroes who wanted to increase their income must not agitate the Negro problem in order to earn living, the American Negro was compelled to give up his political power (Document 6). This excerpt of the book shows how black men where not only being discriminated, but being left out politically too. If black men wanted work being freedmen, then they would have to stay out of the political power. White men were powerful and this is why giving up political power wasnt an option, but a forceful act from the white. Black codes were not being followed, white men always managed to find a way to obtain what they wanted. The reconstruction was failing because nobody was respecting laws anymore, and black men couldnt do anything about it besides remaining quiet and following white mens instructions, which became their only real guarantee of surviving. The Compromise of 1877 was created to decide which candidate should be taken as a winner, either Hayes or Tilden, leading towards a decision that helped the Congress Reconstruction fail. As can be seen in the electoral distribution map from the election of 1876, Hayes won by only one electoral vote and lost the popular vote by 254,235. Document 8). The 1877 Compromise was an agreement to take away Northern troops from the South. This agreement was made due to Tildens request so he would let Hayes win. The removal of Northern troops left freedmen without protection, and became easy targets for Southerners to attack. If Hayes wanted to win, he had to accept the request, so he took away the troops because if not, Tilden would have stayed in the power and done worse acts. In November 4 and 5, 1874, the front-page of New York Times published two headlines that announced how Democrats entered he House of Representatives and convert the Congress to be Democratic as well. (Document 5). These Democratic victories helped undermine Congress efforts to help freedmen by creating laws and acts that followed racism ideas. There was no more hope for the reconstruction at this point. Democrats were taking all the power and black men could not do anything anymore. Being free was not an option anymore, but a far away dream instead. Even though black people were given the opportunity to have some rights and equality, the Congress Reconstruction failed because events such as the creation of he Ku Kux Klan, the construction of the black codes, and the Compromise of 1877, kept their old beliefs of slavery and inequality.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The History And Background Of Puma Marketing Essay

The History And Background Of Puma Marketing Essay Puma is a German company that established in 1948 by Rudolf Dassler. Puma produces sport categories such as sport shoes and sport clothing for different types of sports like football and golf. Puma is considered as the third successful brand at this field; the other two companies are Nike and Adidas (Puma, n.d.). The most commonly made Puma products are the athletic Puma shoes and that due to the fact that the first pumas products were shoes. For more details, Puma first football sneaker was produced in 1948 and it was worn in the first football match after the war by the Herbert Burdenski; the scorer who scored the first goal after the war (Puma,n.d.). As well as that, 48% of Puma profits from footwear which makes it the most selling Puma product (Puma, 2013). Puma shoes contain different types of sneakers for different types of sports such as running shoes, football shoes and cricket shoes. Varieties: Puma shoes have a unique design, using the technology; the shoes moulds are injected with the light foam materials by L.I.F.T (Lite Injected Foam Technology). As a result, this way decreases the weight of the shoes which makes the shoes very light and speedy. Moreover, it saves the materials of the shoes/cheaper to make; because with this process there is no need for -sutures and adhesions- process (Nely, 2010). As well as that, Puma shoes designed in a way that allows the feet to breathe some fresh air which makes the shoes smooth and comfortable for the wearer. In addition, the Puma shoes made to prevent friction and sliding so it protects the person who wears them from any accidence (Nely, 2010). Colours: There are the main colours for each type of shoes and also the customers can be customized by the customer. For example, the customer can change the colour of more than 10 parts of the shoe to match the costumers taste; from the outsole to the Puma logo (see appendix 1). This gives the customer who liked the design of the shoes but not its colours the ability to change it to suit his taste and his outfit. Logo: Moreover, the Puma logo stands for a jumping Puma; a type of cats that can leap with a one bounce to twenty feet high. The puma logo is putted on each of Pumas products and its shoes (Mokokoma, 2009). This logo expresses the strength, the speed and the power that Puma have in its shoes. Slogan: In addition, the Puma slogan is the nature of performance which means that every action is real, every attitude is innate and all of the player movements are natural. Puma uses this slogan with most of its shoes with changing the word -performance-. For example, it used slogan the nature of the Speed junkie for evoSPEED 1 FG shoes which gives an idea to the costumers about the main feature of this shoes (Puma, 2012). Personality: Puma personality is all about agility, speed, strength and creative. Its personality can be seen and known just by looking at the pictures they use on Puma website; athletics wearing Puma shoes and they are running agility and flexibility and their face features express the strength they have (see appendix 2). Promotion:- Social media: Puma has many social media accounts; on Facebook . Twitter, Youtube, Tumbler and Instagram as @ Puma which they can be found so easily. On their Facebook Page, they have more than 9 million people who liked their page! They also publish news constantly and include pictures with the resent news; so they avoid make the news boring and hard to read (Puma Facebook, 2013). Moreover, on Youtube, they have their own and official channel since 2005. On Youtube, they promote their selves by uploading videos for their new products or their events and their videos are about 3 minutes so they keep it interesting and not tedious (Puma Youtube,2013). Furthermore, on Instagram account, they post interesting and colourful pictures for their products and they attract their customers attention to their new product by distributing part of its pictures. For example, they post a picture of their new shoes that called Puma pigeon shoes and it was hidden between pigeons so only part of it can be seen (see appendix 3) (Puma Instagram,2013). Sponsorships: Puma sponsors of many sport teams, players, athletes and even coaches from different countries. It sponsors of many national football teams such as Italy team, Austria team and Switzerland team. What is more, Italy national team won the FIFA World Cup in 2006 and the players were wearing blue Puma shoes (Puma, 2006). Puma also sponsors of running athletics like Usain Bolt and Moses Kipsiro. Usain Bolt is the fastest man in this world (Puma, n.d.). In addition, it sponsors of golfers such as Lexi Thompson who won the Navistar LPGA Classic in 2011 and turned from Novice player to the youngest professional player at golf (Puma, 2011). Events: Puma holds events for different sports in many places in the world to promote their products. For instance, Puma held a campaign SOoo Fast in 2005 which demonstrated the fact that Puma has spirit of hilarity and adventure. The event was about people wearing shoes of Puma SOoo Fast and doing different activates like dancing. The aim of SOoo Fast campaign was to show the physical exertion and mental effort mixed with fun (Modi, 2010). As well as that, there is a calendar for the upcoming events on Puma website to inform people about their events, they update it every month and this month they have 9 upcoming events (see appendix 4). Advertising: Puma advertisements are so colourful, creative and interesting. They use different media to advertise about their products such as TV, social media, banners and posters. Advertising on social media are always attractive and are spoken directly to the customers minds by using the words you, your, we, us and after every shoes advertisement they say share your shoe pictures and tag our account (Puma Twitter, 2013). This way is very useful to the social media users who want to share everything they have and take or buy everything they dont have to share it with others. Moreover, the banners they use are so creative and innovative; sometimes they use animal or background that matches the shoes colours and sometimes they create attractive designs that show the strength of the shoe (see appendix 5). Price:- Cost and discounts: There are varying prices for Puma shoes. According to Puma store on their website the highest cost for a pair of shoes is 220$ -AMP Cell Fusion Golf Shoes- and the lowest one is 55$ -PowerCat 4 IT Indoor Trainers- so they are available for everyones financial condition. Although, there is a discount -more than 20$- on some shoes such as Faas 300 Running Shoes; it was 75$ and now it is 45$. Shipping: Puma store on the official website provides free shipping to its customers who buy a product over 85$ and this is available every day to every customer. Pricing comparison: Compared to Puma competitors prices -Nike and Adidas- Puma has lower prices than them. Puma has reasonable prices which makes it suitable for everyone. Place: Company headquarters: The main Puma headquarter is in Germany at Herzogenaurach city and the other three headquarters are in Boston-USA, London-UK and Hong Kong-China (graphisoft, n.d.). On the puma website they put the address details for all of their headquarters. Online: Puma has official website on World Wide Web The official website establishes everything about Puma brand. The official also gives the customer the ability to find the Puma stores on his country and give him the location of the stores by providing a map of the store. Marketing description:- Inform: Puma keeps informing their costumers about every product that released. Moreover, Puma always gives an idea for its customers about the new shoes by using the suitable media to inform the target audience of the new shoes. They always want their costumers to know every single detail about their new sneakers like where it is made or when it is released. For instance, puma informed their costumers on Instagram, twitter and the Puma official website about the new Puma Mobium Elite shoes and they give lots of details about it. They said where it is from -Germany-, who designed it Ray Horachek -, where the costumer can find them -in every Puma stores- and when it is available -6/2/2013-. They also post a picture about how the Mobium shoes get created (see appendix 6) (Puma Instagram, 2013). Remind: Puma also keeps reminding its costumer about the new shoes to stay in their minds and never forget about it. Moreover, to remind the costumer Puma keeps repeating the new products advertisings in different social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter For example, when it comes to Mobium Elite shoes, Puma did not stop publishing about it on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. They post different pictures of it and tweet about it on Twitter for more than 2 months since it released to remind. Persuade: Puma uses some ways to convince its costumer to buy the shoes. They speak directly to the costumers minds to make them feel that Puma shoes are their shoes and they need to get them. In addition, they show them famous sport players wearing Puma shoes which make the costumer feels that those Puma shoes are not normal because even the popular players wear them. For instance, when they advertised about Mobium Elite shoe, Puma on twitter said Be first to experience Adaptive Running , Prepare for the future of running and They were born to keep moving; those statements captured the customers hearts which makes some of them said Running will never be the same and The Mobium definitely makes me run Faster!. Furthermore, they post a picture of Sabrina Mockenhaupt wearing Mobium Elite shoe; she is a famous long-distance runner from Germany. On twitter they also announced about a contest for the most innovative shoe; everyone who shares a picture of him/her running with Mobium Elite shoe will enter the competition (Puma Running Twitter, 2013). Companys Branding Message:- Puma brand want to deliver its message to its customers minds that they are not a company which produces sport categories just for sports without any other purpose. However, Puma is a company which mixes the sport and the lifestyle together and makes them one brand that called Sportlifestyle. For more clarification, Puma mixes its performance that is all about the strength, agility and technical innovations with the lifestyle that is influences by cultural relevance, leadership style of urban and thrilling design innovation. Puma is trying to give the players from Sportlifestyle brand the joy and it is trying to make them enjoy every joyful moment in every game. Moreover, Puma says from its advertisements that we are making the customer enjoys the sport in his daily life without forgetting the fashion and style influences (Koch, 2012). Everyone who sees the pictures that Puma posts on Instagram can notice its brand message. They upload on their Instagram account pictures of normal people wearing Puma sneakers and doing their daily activities in front of scenes from everyday life. Furthermore, they post pictures which show that Puma shoes designed in certain ways to give their customers the fashion and style. As well as that, they use the PUMAlife, PUMAstyle and Sportlifestyle hash tags with most of their Instagram photos to share them with everyone (see appendix 7). Puma also says it is message directly in its twitter bio PUMA successfully fuses the creative influences from the world of sport, lifestyle fashion. All of the above proves that Puma message is to let everyone feels and lives the joy moments after Puma mixed the sport with the lifestyle. Two Different Advertisements:- First Advertisement: The first advertisement was displayed on a Japanese TV Spot and it is about Puma PowerCat 1.12 shoes (shabba08, 2012). This advertisement shows the journey of a football between PowerCat 1.12 shoes wearers in Japan. Type: TV advertisement URL: Target audience: The target audience of this advertisement is Japanese from both gender girls and boys but mostly for boys -there are six boys who hit the ball and one girl-. The target audiences age is between 15 and 35 so they are all youth -the video shows different ages starting from the footballer who is 29 years old at the begging years to the little boy at the end who looks 15 years old-. Furthermore, when it comes to the financial background of the target audience it is not specific type because as the advertisement shows that the PowerCat 1.12 wearers are from different social positions -some of them dressed nicely football outfits and the others were farmer and villager-. Moreover, as the video shows that the most PowerCat 1.12 wearers are the people who are interesting in football and playing it -PowerCat 1.12 designed as football boots (Elliot, 2011)-. Advantages: Using the captain of the Japanese national team Makoto Hasebe in this advertisement is one of its advantages since the nationality of the target audience is Japanese. Therefore, this is a good way to attract the Japanese people who are interesting in playing football because Makoto Hasebe is one of the most famous football players in Japan. Showing the power and the strength of the PowerCat 1.12 shoes in this advertisement is also another advantage. It shows that every foot wears PowerCat 1.12 shoes get the power to run and jump after the ball no matter where is the player; in stadium, street or even a farm and no matter how old the player 15 or 30. It also shows the strength on the player face when he is hitting the ball with PowerCat 1.12 shoes and the joy and happiness after hitting the ball. Disadvantages: Using only one girl in this advertisement is not enough to show that this product is also for girls. If someone watch it for one time only, he will notice and remember the six boys but he will not remember the girl. To deliver the message that this product for both genders, there should be more girls who are wearing PowerCat 1.12 shoes; regardless of the fact that she was not wearing PowerCat 1.12 shoes but got the power to hit the ball from the guy who was next to her and he was handling PowerCat 1.12 shoes on his shoulder. Using this kind of idea for football commercials -passing the football around the world and then back to the playground- has became so familiar, commonplace and hackneyed. This kind of advertisement has being used a lot, so now it is not that much interesting to the viewers because the customers want new ideas to attract them, to steal their hearts and to persuade them to buy the product. Second Advertisement: The second advertisement is contributed on Puma official website online and it is about Puma evoSPEED shoes (Puma, 2012). This advertisement shows the speed of those shoes and how can anyone become fast just by wearing them. Type: Online video URL: Target audience: The target audience of this advertisement are men from everywhere in the world who are youth and about 24 to 35 years old. In addition, this advertisement is directed to the sport players and the people who are doing those activities; the sports are running, football, cricket, golf and motor racing. This advertisement shows the players who are popular in playing those sports and they are from different countries, so this proves what I said before. Moreover, it is for the people who want the speed and want to be fast like Usain Bolt the fastest person on the earth. Advantages: Using the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt in this advertisement to present the evoSPEED shoes is a really useful way to attract the people who want to be faster and to persuade them to buy the those shoes. As well as that, it gives the customer an idea about from where Bolt gets his speed and gives them an opportunity to be like Bolt and get the speed of Bolt. Using a treadmill for the sport players to race on it and also the speed of this treadmill is the speed of evoSPEED is a great idea to show the rated speed that evoSPEED shoes have. They show that everyone could not handle the speed of treadmill which is the evoSPEED but only the one who was wearing them was able to keep up with the treadmills speed. This was an amazing way to inform the customers about the features of evoSPEED shoes. Disadvantages: In the advertisement they make the golfer Rickie Fowler faster than the footballer Sergio Agà ¼ero and the cricketer Yuvraj Singh. This is not true in the real life because Sergio Agà ¼ero is faster than him and how can a golfer be faster than footballer. As a result, this kills the credibility of a good concept for a commercial. Using F1 driver Fernando Alonso for such an advertisement about how to speed up your feet is useless because F1 drivers do not race using their feet, they race using cars. Therefore, the customers will not feel the need to have evoSPEED shoes for a motor race cause they only need to speed up their cars to win. Rather than using F1 driver who only need a fast car, they could use a basketball player who really needs quick feet. S.W.O.T Analysis:- Strengths: Puma is a well-none company and it is recognized in the worldwide at the shoes field because it has been established since 1948 and it started producing shoes since that time. Furthermore, for now most of Puma profits come from selling footwear -48.8 %-. As well as that, Puma has about 80 stores around the world in different countries that sell their shoes (Puma, 2013). Puma is sponsoring of many famous players and teams in various sports and the most important thing that they are sponsored of the fastest man on the earth Usain Bolt which can make Puma the best in the running shoes field compared with the competitors (Sammy, n.d.). Puma has great, different, innovative, unique and modern shoes designs and some of the Puma shoes designers are taking the idea of the shoes from some animals and getting inspired by them like what Raymond Horaceks idea for the Mobium shoes; he get inspired by cats to create those shoes (Puma Youtube,2013). That can be a good point for puma to be different that its competitors Nike and Adidas. Puma has an excellent management and good employees, staff and teams who manage the work and create the shoes. As what Owen Shifflett (Puma designer) said that Puma teams work together, they face the challenges together and they are friendly which make them try to create the best shoes every time (Shifflett, 2011) Weaknesses: Compared to the top Pumas competitors -Nike and Adidas- Puma has the lowest market shares in the athletic footwear which it is 7% while 31% for Nike and 16% for Adidas (see appendix 8) which creates a negative effect in the costumers minds. Puma focuses on some sports like football, running and golf and produces the most innovative shoes for them while neglect some other important sport such as basketball and swimming. While Nike and Adidas produce shoes for every sport even basketball since it is an important sport. This is can be knowing just by looking at the Puma official website cause there is no basketball section. Compared to the competitors Nike and Adidas, Puma has less financial strength than them and they get less money from its sales than them. In 2012, Puma got 3.27 million euro from selling its products while Adidas got 14.88 million euro (see appendix 9). Opportunities: Big events like Olympic and Boston marathon can be a great opportunity to raise their sales since Puma is really good at producing running shoes. Since the Pumas competitors are huge companies which they only use professional designers, Puma can take a step forward and cooperate with young designers to mentor them and to bring out their creativity so they will have professional designers in the future. Puma is starting to use technology to produce light width shoes such as the Puma tennis shoes which have been injected with light foam materials (apsense, 2011). Puma can focus more on lifestyle and fashion to become the first Sportlifestyle brand in the world to reach one of its goals (Puma, 2012). To became also different than its competitors. Puma can increase the health awareness campaigns to give the brand a good image. For example, make a new campaign like the campaign that held in 2012 which called Puma Project Pink to fight against breast cancer and to play football no matter what (Puma YouTube, 2012). Threats: Designs and ideas of Puma shoes are being copied and imitated by the competitive companies which sometimes they make shoes better than Puma shoes. Since the competitors are better than Puma, they get the advantage of being the best in producing shoes so that Puma lose its customers. Some of Pumas Asian competitors copy the Puma shoes designs and produce the same style of shoes with the Puma logo on them in cheaper prices. Therefore, Puma lose their customers who are looking for lower prices (shoesobsessions, 2009). There are many competitors outside that are competing Puma and trying to be better than it in the footwears field (hoovers, n.d.). As a result, it makes it hard to Puma to stay on the top because of the high competition. Nowadays, it needs a lot of money to sponsor an excellent sport players; millions of dollars. Therefore, Puma cannot make much sponsorship of the top good players since it has low financial strength so they cannot use many good players to advertise about their shoes. Appendix:- Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Untitled-1.gif Appendix 3: Appendix 4:301c80dea44e11e2b51f22000a9f4da7_7.jpg events.png Appendix 5: Appendix 6: creative-shoes.gif3b7b5674707f11e2b56022000a9f1354_7.jpg Appendix 7: Appendix 8:350px-Footwear_market_shares.pnghashtag.jpg Appendix 9: